Here's what you'll get:

  • Clarity

    A clear framework for talking about culture in ways that make sense to your colleagues.

  • Change

    Guidance about how to change culture, wherever you are in the organization.

  • Roadmap

    Start mapping out a bigger plan for ongoing culture management.

Course curriculum

  • 1


    • Course Overview

  • 2

    1. What Is Culture?

    • Video Lesson

    • Additional Reading: Culture

  • 3

    2. What About Core Values?

    • Video Lesson

    • Related Links on Core Values

  • 4

    3. The Myth of Culture "Best Practices"

    • Video Lesson

    • Some Zappos Links

  • 5

    4. Creating Culture Priorities

    • Video Lesson

  • 6

    5. Culture Change Basics

    • Video Lesson

    • Culture Change Links

  • 7

    6. From Culture Change to Culture Management

    • Video Lesson

    • Ebook: Culture That Works

    • Slide Deck for this Course